6 months account.
Unlimited adds account.
Unlimited candidates/applicants downloading of CV’s/details from your account.
Link to+company logo on our homepage.
Advertising to our partner websites, media channels and targetted candidates e-mails.
12 months account.
Unlimited adds account.
Unlimited candidates/applicants downloading of CV’s/details from your account.
Advertising your add to our partner website’s and media channels and candidates e-mail alerts.
Mail campaigns on our media chanells with company link/details.
Adwords campaign for each add.
3 months company logo with link to on our homepage.
Dedicated account handler with 24/7 e-mail assistance.
12 months account.
Advertising in one of the site's headers showing in the category:
recruitment culinary / hospitality
training culinary / hospitality
Visible to all jobseekers and companies on site.
Banner with company logo and contact details.
Graphic designed as per customer specifications.
Promoted in all targeted adverts.
Monthly advertising campaigns on our media channels facebook/linked in/google+/ groups and job agregators.
Contact us for details.
Candidate selection and promotion.
Candidate interviewing
Candidate transport from to site.
Candidate hse induction and training.
Candidates online courses as per specified requirements.
On site training provided by our representative.
Recruitment trough our hiring Partners.